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Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Debbie Johnston graduated with a Higher Diploma of Education from, what was then known as, the Cape Town College of Education (now the Cape Peninsula University of Technology). Together with her husband, Craig Johnston, Johnston has been an international educator for over thirty years working in a variety of locations including: Lesotho, Venezuela, Kazakhstan, Benin, Montenegro, and now Togo. They have two adult children.


As a result of Johnston's diverse life experiences, she regards herself as a global nomad, who is dedicated to serving people within the international and local communities where she currently finds herself.


Creative Arts Degree


Whilst teaching art full-time in Kazakhstan, Johnston embarked upon studying towards a BA (Hons) Creative Arts Degree with the Open College of Arts, UK, in order to upgrade her qualifications, learn graphic design and provide opportunity for her to advance her art training. As part of her courses towards the BA (Hons) Creative Arts Degree, her studies focused on Digital Art, Graphic Design and Drawing - with attention given to non-traditional forms of drawing. It was during her studies that her love for the artforms of bricolage and installation developed.

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